AGE: Approximately 7 weeks old
SEX: F & M
BACKGROUND: Lila and Leo were found running amuck in Bladen County. They are super sweet little puppies.
NEEDS: They are currently with their respective fosters learning potty training and being a good little gal and guy.
HEALTH ISSUES: Lila and Leo have had one round of vaccines.

AGE: To come
BREED: To come
BACKGROUND: This beautiful guy was rescued from a shelter.
NEEDS: Meatball is SUCH an amazing pup. He's just a snuggle bunny with one of our loving fosters; he's loving his humans. He gets along with other dogs, and is learning to be a good boy in the house.
HEALTH ISSUES: Meatball's labs and X-rays look good. He is heartworm positive BUT he has already started treatment and we will get him fully healthy again! Freedom Bridge remains financially responsible for his treatments until completed. He's up-to-date on core vaccines, and is neutered and microchipped.

AGE: To come
BACKGROUND: Boone is yet another "Little" who was found in this big world all by himself.
NEEDS: This adorable little guy is VERY scared and won't stop shaking BUT he is doing a little better in his amazing fosters' home. Boone is such a sweet boy but soooo very nervous. He's learning that there are kind humans in this world. More to come as he comes out of his shell.
HEALTH ISSUES: Boone is chipped, up-to-date on core vaccines, and neutered. He is healthy and ready for his forever family.

AGE: Approximately 1 to 1.5 years old
BREED: Lab Mix
BACKGROUND: Suri was a very scared mama, handling life on her own. She was found by the graveyard with her puppy Scout. Animal Control was able to first get Scout. They found 3 other puppies that had passed. One of their attempts to catch Mama ended up catching another pup, Inky. And, FINALLY, Mama and one remaining pup, Gravy, got into a Good Samaritan's car who stopped for them. Because Mama wanted to meet the pup the Good Samaritan had with her, she was able to get them and notify Animal Control. We took them under rescue. Mama and 3 puppies are now safe.
NEEDS: Suri finished nursing her babies and her little ones have found loving homes. Now Suri needs a loving home to show her a safe life that's not on the streets.
HEALTH ISSUES: She is in good health and is ready for stability, security, and love.

Wilmington, North Carolina
to find forever homes

100% of The Island Passage Giving Candle proceeds will go to
Freedom Bridge Animal Rescue, in honor of Kristyn Prentice.

This beautiful candle is not only a symbol of her light and her spirit, but also of hope and goodwill. We are grateful and honored to have been part of Kristyn's life.
Her work continues through her partners at Island Passage with this Giving Candle which can be purchased, with 100% of proceeds going to help our pups in need, at any of the Island Passage locations:
- Historic Downtown Wilmington @ 4 Market Street
- Wilmington's Lumina Station @ 1900 Eastwood Road
- Bald Head Island @ 14 Maritime Way​

Purchase a Giving Candle to help support Freedom Bridge Animal Rescue and honor the life of Kristyn Prentice, who was tragically killed over Labor Day weekend.
Kristyn adopted our little Pixie Doodle about a year ago. She was also one of the owners of Island Passage, which raised and donated so much money for us last year.
Her spirit remains in this Giving Candle, as her partners have determined that all proceeds will be donated to us in her memory. Thank you to Beth and Alison of Island Passage for thinking about us. We are so very grateful.

Pixie Doodle couldn't have found a more loving, compassionate, and kind soul to be her very best friend. She found her most fabulous home with Kristyn, who was known for her humility, her kindness, her grit, and her love of all God's creatures. She worked tirelessly to help those in need, both furry and human. ​